⚖️ Utility Page
🌐 Open Source Ethos
In the spirit of open-source, these templates are here to use or adapt⎯ transparency in one corner tends invites transparency in another. If there is something you yourself would like to contribute, be it ideas, resources, or feedback, get in contact via email at josh@jpax.tv.
👤 Site Author
Created by Josh Parkhill, a commercial production manager. To connect with Josh about bidding jobs, or other matters: visit him directly at.
- Phone: 917.744.1674
- Email: josh@jpax.tv
- Website: jptv.space
How This Site Is Made
This site was made using Python based frameworks, including but not limited to:
- Built with Flask — a lightweight Python web framework.
- Styled using Bootstrap Flatly — part of the Bootswatch theme collection.
- 📄 YAML-powered content generation for structured, dynamic templates and resources.
- ☁️ Deployed using Render.